Panel Fabrication and OEM Assembly
CP USA provides OEM and custom fabrication of Control Panels, and sub-assemblies for clients in a variety of industries. Our specialized equipment and construction practices allow for consistent quality and short lead times.
Using state of the art equipment, such as our laser engravers, automatic wire cutting, wire stripping, and automated crimping tools, along with our high speed label systems, we are able to quickly tool up for either large or small production runs of OEM panels & assemblies.
CP USA is able to produce custom test fixtures allowing for thorough functionality testing of all our OEM panels. This practice results in ultimate quality—ensuring a great product that meets customer parameters each and every time.
Relay Rack Assembly
CP USA serves clients all across the country in the highly specialized field of Electric Utility Relay Rack fabrication.
CP USA has Manufacturer’s Representatives covering key territories that provide a wide reaching market.
Our reputation of extremely high quality workmanship coupled with short fabrication time allow us to be competitive in a wide variety of Electric Utility Relaying applications.
Our panel design, custom metal design, internal fabrication process and attention to detail—followed by thorough testing—guarantees a high quality, serviceable product.
Whether you are working on a Solar Project, Wind Generation Installation, or a standard Substation, CP USA is well equipped to assist you.
Our engineering staff will quickly provide panel design, including component selection, rack elevation drawings, and panel wiring diagrams for your review.
We also offer complete product testing by either our competent internal team or contracted third party.